One of the greatest opportunities the Church of Jesus Christ has given men and women is the possibility of caring for people. A church that does not show its care for people but is more interested in programs and activities is not a healthy church. We want to be a healthy church; we want to be a loving and caring church. Why? Because the Church is the extended body of Christ, the arm of Christ, the manifested presence of Christ in the World. When the Church cares, the world will know that Jesus who cares.
So, how do we show our care for people? How, in spite of the rightful need of programs and activities, can we extend our care to a suffering world? Our church is full with wonderful people. Each one is important, and each one needs to be taken care of. Here are some ways we can show our care and love for people who attend church, for our visitors, and for the world around us.
Home group. First of all, let me give an advise to everyone. The best way to be sure people care for you, is when you belong to a home group. Some people call it a cell. Belonging to a home group is so important, so crucial for the Church life, that some of my pastor colleagues will not visit, give advise, or even pray for church goers who refuse to be part of a home group. Although this is not our approach, it shows how belonging to a home group should be an essential part of our church life. So, do all you can to be part of a home group. Right now, we have two home groups: Giubiasco, led by Sergio Meola, and Melano, led by Pastor Annalisa Anzalone. We strongly advise you to join any of these groups and to stick with the group. Each home group is like a family, and there, is the first place to receive care from your church family.
Quality time. This is essential. At CCPV we strive to have quality time with everyone. This is why we organize all types of programs such as Men’s meetings, Women’s meetings, Fellowship Meals, Church Retreat, Birth celebration meetings, and so on… All of these serve to show care and love to one another. Church is a family, a healthy family, and we love to be together. You see, the more time you spend with people, the greater impact you will have in their lives.
Commitment. Caring for people is the result of personal commitment. People need to know that they are taken care of. As a pastor, I spend lots of time talking to people, praying with and for people, visiting them when they can’t go out of their house, visit them at the hospital. But, this is not just the job of the pastor. This is the job of everyone. We are our brother’s guardians. We are to call people, give them a word of encouragement, tell them that we pray for them. When someone is at the hospital, he needs to receive many visits from all of us, others need to call him, and everyone needs to pray for him. What about sending a post card? Or offer to clean their house if they are alone? Or make a welcome basket when they come home? One of the best ways to show care for a person is to show them how special there are in your life. You will make her day bright when you do so. Be committed to care for people. Make sure that no one day passes without you caring for someone. Their lives will be impacted forever.
Words and acts. What about using our mouth to be our best ally when it comes to care for people. The Bible says: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. (Prov. 25.11)” What a statement! Another one says: “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth,
And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” Oh that I like these verses. They tell us that what goes out of a mouth can be a great blessing to people. Have you tried to bless people with your words? Have you seen the double effects of the great words? It blesses the people you give the word to, and it blesses you as well. “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth!” It gives you joy when you speak words of blessing to people! “And a word spoken in due season, how good it is… it is like apples of gold in settings of silver”. Oh praise God. It blessed the person that receives the word you give.
But words as good as they may be are not sufficient. You need to add action to your words. Love and care are not just by words, they are by concrete actions, like we just mentioned above. Do not just say to someone that you love that person, show it to her. Send her a post card with words of encouragement, pray with that person, visit that person, invite that person in your house, make a meal for her and so on…. Words and actions are the center of the Gospel. Loving one another is by word and action. See Luke 10:25-37.
Words, as good as they may be are not sufficient. You need to action to your words, love and care are to be followed by concrete actions
Truth. Finally, another way to show your care for people is telling the truth. I’m shocked when I see believers lying to one another. The Bible says: “Speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4.15). Love and truth, care and truth, go together. Be honorable, and speak the truth. Do not lie to people in church. Actually, do not lie at all. I see families lying to each other. Parents lying to their children, children lying to their parents, husbands and wives lying to each other. In my family we made a solid decision to never lie to anyone, as well as to never lie to each other. Truth is the basis of our relationship. This is one of the reasons we are blessed, and our family is full of love. It should be the same in our church. Church members should tell the truth to one another. Lies should not be part of our church family. Truth is like the oil of a motor. If there is no oil, the motor will be destroyed. If there is no truth between two people, their relationship will eventually collapse. People think that the pastor is gullible. I know that, even in our church, sometimes someone will lie to me. They think that I don’t see it. But believe me, I’m not naïve, and I’m not gullible. Actually, when someone lies to me, what the person tells me is that they do not respect the man of God, and eventually they do not live with the fear of the Lord (Ps. 110.10). But, let me go even further, if someone lies to another believer in church, it shows that that person does not walk in honor and in the fear of the Lord as well. We need to speak the truth to one another, and be a light in the world. Truth and love are probably the best ways you can show someone that you care for him.
Let us show love and care. Let us show the world that we are a great family. Let us show that whatever we do for one another is done in love. Let us help one another to be the Church family the Lord wants us to be.